Friday, November 13, 2020

Seattle Atelier Classroom Demonstration of Tonal Impressionist Principles, Perceptual Painting.

Michael Lane Dounder of Seattle Atelier painting in front of students.

Class demo at Seattle Atelier, explaining tonal extensions, tone key, tonal relationships, multiple colors in five values or less and the order of visual importance. 

(Image features works by Max Meldrum, Percy Leason, Joseph Allworthy, Graeme Inson and John Singer Sargent.)

The program’s general textbooks are “The Science of Appearances” (1950) by Max Meldrum and “Experience in Painting, an Analysis of the Visual Impression as Applied to Painting” by Percy Leason.

Little Saigon Neighborhood, Seattle, WA.

Seattle Atelier listed on the Seattle Street-Art Map.